Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Great Way To Wake Up

First think I saw when I woke up this morning. Makes me think it's going to be a good day and I hope so because I am going to go out and shoot for the constructed image project now

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Balloon Madness

I wish I had a better camera at this time but the balloons slowly moving amongst the crazy crowd I thought was composed very well and tried to take as good of a picture as I could while I was standing in the concert trying not to get knocked over

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Night Landscape

I really enjoyed the landscape project and definitely think that I will continue with this project and with using color film. This is a landscape right by my apartment and during the day I never noticed it but the spotlight made it stick out to me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tribute to Color Film

I have loved working with color film recently and award it for it's amazing quality and presence

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Man Made Landscape

While shooting for the project not only am I thinking of how man intrudes onto the natural landscape or how man effects the natural landscape but what man's own landscape has come to be. What is it that takes over our surroundings that has become part of what we consider "the landscape"? Forcing the idea of "the landscape" onto a man made object. Essentialy it is man creating their own landscape.

Also these are some of my first film scans using the flextight scanner because I wanted to experiment with this but honestly I prefer the darkroom. So hopefully from now on I will be scanning in color darkroom prints because I plan on continuing to print in the color darkroom for the rest of the quarter for my projects.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



When I saw this I was thinking about when the last person used this typewriter or for that matter when the last person used "a" typewriter. With items always being brought back from the past and being brought "back into style", it seems that this is one item that will sadly not be brought back into the common era

Heart Puddle

Table Scene

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Out of Whack

I like finding objects or scenes that stray from the normal structure

River at Night

I would like to try some more long exposure shots. This is a long exposure I did on a bridge over a river in Italy.


I saw this as a window display in Spain and I thought the origami pattern was very interesting

New Beginnings

I miss walking around parks and natural trails from this summer so I have been trying to discover the nature of Rochester